The growth of bacteria can be extremely rapid, as the organisms multiply exponentially. Good housekeeping and maintenance of your fuel storage system will help prevent the proliferation of bacteria and fungi and Marine 16 recommends the regular use of its’ Diesel Fuel Maintenance as preventative maintenance. However if diesel bug is already present, Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment is specially formulated to eliminate bacteria, fungi and yeasts and inhibit their further growth within the fuel system or storage tank, at the same time dissolving slime residues and restoring clarity to the fuel.
Just 100 ml of Diesel Bug Treatment will provide preventative treatment for up to 2000 litres of fuel. The product is added direct to fuel and effectively treats the entire fuel system, from tank to combustion chamber, forming a contamination suspension which is entirely removed from fuel tank, pumps and injectors in one operation via the combustion process. If contamination is already present, the treatment rate can be adjusted to suit – for example, if contamination is mild (evidenced by the presence of small, stringy slime elements) then one 100ml bottle per 500 litres of fuel will usually suffice. If contamination is severe and blockages have occurred, then a Shock Treatment rate of 100 ml to 100 litres should be used.
Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment incorporates a highly effective diesel fuel preservative for the control and prevention of microbiological contamination in diesel fuel and is approved for use by Mercedes Benz AG, NATO, DAF and is used by Shell in the Netherlands to prevent/control microbiological contamination in fuels.